Tag Archives: ECE

Technology and Interactive Media as Tools in Early Childhood Programs

I was contacted by a former co-worker about providing a workshop during Shawnee State University‘s “Fabulous Friday” conference.  “Fabulous Friday” is an annual conference for Child Care Providers and Early Childhood Educators in the area.

Anytime I am asked to present about educational technology in an Early Childhood Education environment, I base my work on a 2012 Position Statement jointly released by NAEYC and the Fred Rogers Center.

The position statement makes the following six recommendations:

  1. When used intentionally and appropriately, technology and interactive media are effective tools to support learning and development.
  2. Intentional use requires early childhood teachers and administrators to have information and resources regarding the nature of these tools and the implications of their use with children.
  3. Limitations on the use of technology and media are important.
  4. Special considerations must be given to the use of technology with infants and toddlers.
  5. Attention to digital citizenship and equitable access is essential.
  6. Ongoing research and professional development are needed.

Important Links/Resources: